Six Technology Trends That Drive Digital Transformation

In the past, requirements collected from “business users” drove the technology which played a supporting role to enable advancement. 


Now, technology provides opportunities while fundamentally transforming businesses across the board in areas like operations, business models, and strategies. It enables the business, drives growth, and provides a competitive advantage. 

Technology has always been a source of operational improvement—now, even more so.

Operational improvement can be achieved through new combinations of information, processes, channels, and workforce abilities that leverage new high-performance business and operating models. Examples include:


Understanding that companies may not be able to realize digital ambitions if they are shackled by the cost, complexity, and limited capacity of legacy systems, they are increasingly reducing costs to further invest in a unified digital infrastructure. 

A digital business platform needs to support a diverse set of customer and operational requirements with a single set of resources. This is where the continuing commoditization of advancing technologies drives this innovation.


Six technology trends make Digital Transformation possible.


The Digital Business Models Accelerating Value Creation